From Negativity to Positivity. (3 poems & 6 Sonnets)


Published 3rd July 23

Why cannot I heal,
The trauma bond is real,

My true love had cheated,
My heart severely defeated,

My family broken,
Words can't be spoken,

Help me & please be my guide,
To show me unconditional love I have inside,

Help me get the betrayal off my mind,
Why was she so unkind,

And to my daughter why cannot you feel,
I know, I understand the trauma bond is real.



Published 26th July 23

Once I thought things would be fine,
That I hoped I had my family forever in time,

Now that dream had been shattered,
Her betrayal left my heart & mind scattered,

All the memories & times we shared,
For what happened I wasn’t prepared,

My love wasn’t enough to keep her near,
I realise now I’ve been used all those years,

Rather to talk and work through the mess,
Off she went for a new love to pursue & obsess,

Through temptation…no loyalty, respect or trust is left,
All the lying & deceiving had left me bereft,

Now our daughter won’t speak to me,
For exposing her mother, a mistake I see,

Here I stand with no love from the family home,
Again I’ll have to learn to live life alone,

My heart is mending & my mind is true,
But my soul is still hurting…wouldn’t yours too?



Good Friends
Published 3rd August 23

Good Friends, they come & go,
Some left behind & those yet to know,

A helping hand, a hug or a friendly smile,
People you meet & ones you known for a while,

The ones you have partied with for many years,
Or the ones you’ve wiped away each other’s tears,

Like a secondhand family or friends you barely see,
They are in your hearts, they’re special to me,

No matter how far apart & time unseen,
They are there for you, no matter where you’ve been,

Please cherish your friends no matter how few,
Because as you get older, gone are the ones you knew,

I’m grateful for who I consider a friend,
I love you all till the very end.

๐Ÿ’– Please look after each other. ๐Ÿ’—

Social Awakening
Published 27th August 23

Nearly 5 in the morning & it’s still dark outside,
Been out on a whim last night & had a really good time.

Met a couple of good old friends & plenty more new ones too,
Showed me that life’s still good, even dancing with a few,

Day after, another time, another place,
Feeling happier, respected & filled with grace,

To share yourself with people you’ve never met,
Trying to live with no regret,

Living my life to the fullest & not to look back,
Getting it together & back on track,

A healed heart is something wonderful & great,
Filled with an abundance of love & absolutely no hate,

Still need someone to enjoy life with too,
A kind of love that is not fake & untrue.


Rising Up from Negativity
Published 18th August 23

After many months of hurt & hatred from every turn,
Life has given me a lesson to learn,

Starting to think positive now that I’m free,
Breaking the trauma bond is hard on me,

I thought love had left me, so I reached deep inside,
And there was my heart bursting with pride,

I’m glad to be meeting some old & new friends,
Now to see the world through a different lens,

At last things are starting to go my way,
I’ve got a little secret that I cannot say,

Ready for new experiences to open my mind,
Especially when some people are so kind,

Just one more thing, I’ll tell you a true fact,
If anyone loves me, I love you straight back.


Forget About Love
Published 30th August 23

When you are feeling down,
For giving all you’ve got,
Giving yourself fully to those you love,
To be gone in a shot,

Don’t worry about being alone,
You have support around you,
With help from family and friends,
You’ll be back to yourself, all fresh & new,

Take some time first by yourself,
To grieve the loss you feel,
The quicker you accept life goes on,
The quicker you will heal,

There’ll be times when you are happy,
And times you’ll feel sad,
But the love you will find,
Is inside you, like you’ve always had,

You’re maybe getting older,
Thinking you’ll never find love again,
But don’t deprive yourself,
Of happiness until you find out when,

Till then, socialise & have a laugh ,
Enjoy being single,
Go grab some friends, put on your smile,
And get ready to mingle,

Think positive thoughts & be kind to yourself,
Forget about your past strife,
All you need to know right now,
You’ll get through this smidge of life.



Published 9th November 23

When you’re happy everything seems to go your way,

Positive thoughts & positive actions breeds positivity every day,

Life is too short not to have love for yourself,

You need to get out there & look after your mental health,

If you’re feeling angry, lonely or sad,

Remember things will not always be bad,

Don’t let anybody dim your light,

There’s no reason to pick a fight,

Show the gratitude & warmth you possess,

Open your heart and do not stress,

If you see someone who’s having a hard time to cope,

Show some love & give them hope,

I’m thinking positively & want to help people see,

To bring some joy to others means a lot to me.

Life Is Short
Published 22nd November 23

To carry on with life,
When pieces of you are missing,
To find the strength,
And get through the day,
To heal your soul,
You need to feel the pain,
To believe in yourself,
Like your friends & family do,
To be happy,
Get rid of negativity,
To love yourself,
Before giving your heart,
To show your compassion,
Be there for others,
To get through the struggles,
Share your story,
Life is too short,
Embrace it wholeheartedly.

I'll Be There
Published 21st February '24 

To all my family & friends, near & far, no matter how close…a little palindrome for you…

I’ll be right here,
When you are feeling lost,
I’ll be there to calm you,
When you’re feeling cross,
I’ll be there to lift you up,
When you are feeling low,
I’ll sit there beside you,
When you are feeling alone,
I’ll be there to help,
When you feel you can’t cope,
I’ll show you gratitude,
When you’ve lost all hope.

Don’t give up.. I’m here for anyone who is having a tough time..don’t be alone & afraid to reach out…if I can help I will.
